Sunday, 5 September 2010


Hello, I am writing this from the middle of an M6 traffic jam near Wolverhampton. We are heading North-West to the Lake District to stay on a farm for a week with my grandparents. I’m really looking forward to this because the landscape is amazing and the hiking is incredible, my sister is also looking forward to it because there are lots of sheep.
Well, the traffic is clearing up now that we are in the country, but it still feels as if we are driving down Portage Ave in rush-hour despite being in the middle of the countryside somewhere between Birmingham and Manchester. For lunch today so far I’ve had a Scotch egg (hard boiled egg covered with sausage and bread crumbs) and I think I might have a bag of prawn cocktail crisps, or maybe Worcester sauce ones, I haven’t decided yet.
I still do not really fully grasp that I am not going home for a year. It just feels like I’m on a holiday to visit my relatives. I miss my cats a lot, though I know that they are in good hands with my grandparents in Winnipeg. My home-schooling has already begun: I am learning lots of things, like the other day when my dad taught me to fold empty chip bags into origami triangles. I also learned that whatever you wear can be fashionable as long as you walk with an air of superiority and meet hostile looks with an expression that says, “Oh my gosh, what’s your problem?” So today I went the supermarket wearing a plaid dress shirt, gym shorts, hiking boots and wool socks pulled up high. So, look for hipsters wearing wool socks and gym shorts in the weeks to come. I highly recommend it as a Back to School Look as I assure you will be the coolest kid in the class.


  1. A traffic jam on the M6 at Wolverhampton? How very unusual :)

  2. Too funny! I hope you ate the Prawn cocktail crisps, they sound yummy. And your father seems to be quite the home-school teacher! Spoke with Gran and Grampa (yours) this weekend and Christie (sp?) and Maddie (sp?) are doing fine. Keep the blogs coming, I'm grinning ear to ear.

  3. this is great. really funny, sam. We got into school today. It was a pretty good day. I do not have beldom for science but ms. tittenburger said she might be able to get a frog for us to dissect. We had shops all afternoon as today was day 2. It was sorta boring cause we have electronics first so we did a lot of writing and no building. there is electronics, graphics and clothing(sewing). There is no woodworking :^(

  4. Wow. that is a sad emoticon.

  5. By the way, spain is so popular on the survey because i keep clicking on it

  6. I clicked on Spain too!! I love it there!
