Tuesday 7 December 2010


Before we left Carcassonne, we went to the skating rink downtown for an hour of skating. Despite being Canadians we were not the best skaters there. That afternoon, we drove to Toulouse, the fourth largest city in France. We went to the huge Christmas market that was full of people and had lots of tasty treats. I got a hot chocolate that was super thick, and a hot sandwhich with lots of onions. Later we went to the Capitole which had tons of paintings on the ceiling and lots of paintings by Henri Martin which were good too. There was a huge romanesque basilica that I wanted to see but it was getting late so we went back to the hotel. Today we drove through the Dordogne and stopped at a town called Rocamadour that is built into the side of a cliff. My parents said that when they went before I was born and there were tourists everywhere and you could barely move. We had the place to ourselves.(By the way, I have put a new recipe on the recipes page)

1 comment:

  1. recipes page?? I haven't seen that yet... can't wait...
